
What Color is Your (Teaching) Parachute?

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that all bartenders/waiters are actually photographers or actors. Teaching ESL abroad can be a similar endeavor. It’s a way to maximize working hours and return-on-investment. Shifts are short, and payout can be decent. You have — theoretically — more freedom than  the average bear. When I was a bartender, there… Continue reading What Color is Your (Teaching) Parachute?


7 Non-Negotiables You Should Consider Before Choosing Your New Home

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. —Charles Darwin I know I immediately seem to be contradicting myself, but you’re getting used to living among contradictions. Yes, you will be most successful if you’re adaptable and mentally agile, but that’s when… Continue reading 7 Non-Negotiables You Should Consider Before Choosing Your New Home